Proton Group Albania introduced and is the pioneer of GPS Tracking and Telematics in Albania. Its subsidiary, Protea is the largest specialised in GPS tracking and telematics solutions. We develop customised tools to integrate our service with our customers management systems. Proton Group works closely with the best licensed EU providers of hardware and software in order to maintain reliable, flexible, customer friendly service at competitive prices.


About GPS Telematics

Through the installation of a vehicle tracking device, your business is able to read telemetry data about the vehicles of your fleet in real-time: location, speed, fuel consumption, idling time, sensory information.

The solution offers a wide range of customizations according to your business needs. Work relies on licensed softs and maps. And work is supported through an experienced installation team on the field, and an expert technical support team available 24/7.

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Lajmerim per vend pune per drejtues zyre turizmi

20-09-2023 Hits:2183 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo

Kompania jonë turistike është në kërkim të një Drejtuesi Zyre për të drejtuar dhe menaxhuar operacionet e zyrës së turizmit. Drejtuesi i zyrës do të jetë përgjegjës për organizimin dhe...

Go to article introduces a number of electric vehicles in its fleet

30-09-2021 Hits:3819 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo, the operational leasing subsidiary of Proton Group Albania is continuously changing and improving the quality of its fleet. A number of electric vehicles were introduced in our fleet with...

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Lajmerim per vend pune Financiere/Financier

13-09-2021 Hits:2766 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo

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Protonmart introduces Bio Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Albania

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Protonmart, our retail platform, introduced Kriti Bio Extra Virgin Olive oil in its Proton Food section and in the Albanian market. Kriti is a private label brand. Our olive...

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Protea signed a contract with a large food importer and distributor

10-06-2021 Hits:2954 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo

Protea, telematic subsidiary of Proton Group, signed and implemented a GPS Tracking contract with one of the largest food importer and distributor, active in import and distribution of sugar, rice...

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Lajmerim per vend pune Financiere/Financier

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Lajmerim per pune: Web Developer / Web Design / Social Media

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Proton signed a GPS contract with HYGEIA Hospital!

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Proton Group, produced and operated the first unattended e-top up vending machine ‎in Albania

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Proton ranks among the Top South-European companies for GPS Tracking and Related Services.

01-10-2020 Hits:3251 News Super User - avatar Super User

Proton is currently ranked by the ERGO Institute among the best Companies in South-East Europe for the Provision of GPS Tracking and Fleet Management Solutions, as well as a very...

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