


Address: Str. Luigj Gurakuqi, 89/A, 10th floor, 1001, Tirana, Albania

Proton Logistics Center

Address: Tirana - Durres Highway, Str. Industrial km 8, Kashar, Tirana, Albania

Proton shop

Address: Str. Luigj Gurakuqi, Tirana, Albania

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Lajmerim per vend pune per drejtues zyre turizmi

20-09-2023 Hits:2369 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo

Kompania jonë turistike është në kërkim të një Drejtuesi Zyre për të drejtuar dhe menaxhuar operacionet e zyrës së turizmit. Drejtuesi i zyrës do të jetë përgjegjës për organizimin dhe...

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Leaselus.al introduces a number of electric vehicles in its fleet

30-09-2021 Hits:3998 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo

Leaselus.al, the operational leasing subsidiary of Proton Group Albania is continuously changing and improving the quality of its fleet. A number of electric vehicles were introduced in our fleet with...

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Lajmerim per vend pune Financiere/Financier

13-09-2021 Hits:2933 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo

Kompania Proton Group kerkon te punesoje punonjes/e per pozicionin Financier. Kualifikimet: • Te kete perfunduar studimet e larta per Finance • Njohuri shume te mira te programit financiar Financa 5 • Eksperience ne mbajtje kotabiliteti, ne...

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Protonmart introduces Bio Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Albania

10-06-2021 Hits:3501 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo

Protonmart, our retail platform, introduced Kriti Bio Extra Virgin Olive oil in its Proton Food section and in the Albanian market. Kriti is a private label brand. Our olive...

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Protea signed a contract with a large food importer and distributor

10-06-2021 Hits:3116 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo

Protea, telematic subsidiary of Proton Group, signed and implemented a GPS Tracking contract with one of the largest food importer and distributor, active in import and distribution of sugar, rice...

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Lajmerim per vend pune Financiere/Financier

08-02-2021 Hits:4311 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo

Kompania Proton Group kerkon te punesoje punonjes/e per pozicionin Financiere/Financier . Kualifikimet: • Te kete perfunduar studimet e larta per Finance/Kontabilitet • Njohuri shume te mira te programit financiar Financa 5. •...

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Lajmerim per pune: Web Developer / Web Design / Social Media

08-02-2021 Hits:3963 News Pandeli Garo - avatar Pandeli Garo

Programues Web / Grafik Designer Pershkrimi I punes: Kompania Proton Group kerkon te punesoje punonjes per pozicionin Web Developer/ Web Design / Social Media Pergjegjesite: • Projektimi, ndërtimi...

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Proton signed a GPS contract with HYGEIA Hospital!

01-10-2020 Hits:3515 News Super User - avatar Super User

Proton signed a GPS contract with HYGEIA Hospital, not tracking only administration vehicles but also tracking the Ambulances.

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Proton Group, produced and operated the first unattended e-top up vending machine ‎in Albania

01-10-2020 Hits:3982 News Super User - avatar Super User

Proton Group, produced and operated the first unattended e-top up vending machine ‎in Albania. It sells Vodafone air time without the assistance of the sales associate. It will make e...

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Proton ranks among the Top South-European companies for GPS Tracking and Related Services.

01-10-2020 Hits:3425 News Super User - avatar Super User

Proton is currently ranked by the ERGO Institute among the best Companies in South-East Europe for the Provision of GPS Tracking and Fleet Management Solutions, as well as a very...

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